
Supporting Your Child Through State Testing

Encouragement and Perspective

By Katherine Rule, Publisher Macaroni Kid McDonough, Stockbridge, Hampton, Locust Grove April 16, 2024

As state testing season approaches, many parents find themselves navigating the delicate balance between preparing their children and alleviating their anxieties. While standardized tests are an important part of assessing academic progress, it's essential to help your child understand that these assessments are just one snapshot of their abilities on one particular day. With the right guidance and perspective, you can support your child through the testing process while ensuring they feel confident and empowered. Here are some strategies to help your child prepare for state testing with a positive mindset:

  • 1. Start with Open Communication: Begin by having an open and honest conversation with your child about state testing. Let them know that while these tests are important for measuring academic progress, they don't define their worth or intelligence. Emphasize that their performance on these tests is just a small part of their overall academic journey.
  • 2. Provide Context and Perspective: Help your child understand that state testing is designed to assess their skills and knowledge in specific subjects. Compare it to taking a snapshot of their learning progress on a single day. Remind them that everyone has strengths and areas for growth, and that it's okay to feel nervous or unsure.
  • 3. Focus on Preparation, Not Pressure: Instead of placing undue emphasis on test scores, focus on helping your child prepare to the best of their ability. Review study materials together, practice sample questions, and encourage healthy study habits leading up to the test. Emphasize the importance of doing their personal best rather than achieving a specific score.
  • 4. Encourage Positive Self-Talk: Teach your child the power of positive self-talk and affirmations. Encourage them to replace negative thoughts ("I'm going to fail") with positive statements ("I am prepared and capable"). Remind them of past successes and challenges they've overcome to build confidence in their abilities.
  • 5. Emphasize Healthy Coping Strategies: Help your child develop healthy coping strategies to manage test anxiety. Teach relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, or mindfulness exercises. Encourage them to take breaks, get plenty of rest, and eat nutritious meals leading up to the test day.
  • 6. Celebrate Effort and Progress: Regardless of the outcome, celebrate your child's effort and hard work in preparing for the test. Acknowledge their dedication and perseverance, and remind them that growth and learning are ongoing processes. Focus on their progress and achievements beyond the confines of standardized testing.

By approaching state testing with a positive and supportive mindset, you can help your child navigate this academic milestone with confidence and resilience. Remind them that while the test is important, it's just one measure of their abilities, and that their worth extends far beyond a single day's performance. With your encouragement and perspective, your child can tackle state testing with a sense of calm and assurance, knowing that they are capable and valued regardless of the outcome.